The middle is messy but it’s also where the magic happens.

-Brené Brown

Modalities I Use In Sessions

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) uses techniques that work towards changing unhelpful thought and behavior patterns

  • Person-Centered Therapy is an approach that allows you to come to therapy without judgement and know there is empathy in what you share.

  • Mindfulness-Based Techniques remind you to be non- judgmental and focus on the present moment

Counseling Specialties

  • Waking up is hard. Cleaning the house is hard. Socializing is a soul-sucking thought. There is a hopelessness in life that seems like that hallway that never ends. Family and friends tell you not to be sad or to just go for a walk, but you and I both know it is way more than “just do.”

  • One word…overwhelming. There is this panic that runs through the mind with every decision. What if this? What if that? There’s always something you are trying to be better at or trying to prevent from happening. You stay awake at night, sometimes involuntarily, making sure everything and everyone is taken care of. Those thoughts make it feel like grocery shopping or making that phone call are the biggest mountains to hike. You wonder, is this all that my life is?

  • “It was nothing and I am stronger for it. Wait…why am I randomly crying about this song? I’m just cooking, why do I feel so nervous and unsafe?”

    Trauma responses come out of nowhere and oftentimes without warning. There’s this fear that you will never be okay or strong enough to get through life. The simplest thing can trigger a memory and emotion and it brings you right back to THE moment. Will it ever go away?

  • Item descripNot knowing what you want to do for your career or job or how to get there

    Building a resume

    Learning how to search for jobs

    Building confidence in the ever changing job market

    We can create a plan that allows you to reach your career goals, even if it is creating them in the first placetion